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Tag: Auto Insurance

Getting the Best Value for Your Auto Insurance Needs

Getting the Best Value for Your Auto Insurance Needs

Your Window to Savings You may be eligible for valuable discounts on your auto policy. We want to make sure you’re getting the best value for your dollar based on the coverage you and your family need, but we need to hear from you to do so. Are you driving less? Or are you adding more drivers? Take a look at the list below to...

The Benefits of Umbrella Insurance

The Benefits of Umbrella Insurance

Accidents can happen to anyone, often leading to extensive financial losses. Umbrella insurance is a type of personal liability coverage that covers injury to others or damage to their possessions. It covers other family or household members as well as policyholders. It is a low-cost way to obtain significant additional liability coverage. Umbrella insurance provides the following benefits. Broader Coverage Umbrella personal liability insurance can...

Protect Your Pets from Hot Cars

Protect Your Pets from Hot Cars

To a dog, there’s nothing more exciting than going for a ride, having the window rolled down and feeling the wind in their ears. However, when the car stops and owners run a “quick” errand, what can happen to your pet is dangerous. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), hundreds of pets die in hot cars each year....

What You Need to Know About Auto Insurance As a Rideshare Driver

What You Need to Know About Auto Insurance As a Rideshare Driver

Ridesharing driving can be a great way to earn income on a flexible schedule. If you are working as a rideshare driver, it is important to ensure you have the auto insurance coverage you need. Insurance provided by rideshare companies such as Uber and Lyft will not cover their drivers in all situations. Speak with our friendly agent for help with the coverage you need...

Myths and Facts About Car Washes

Myths and Facts About Car Washes

Washing your car regularly is a great way to protect your ride. Not only does it keep everything looking good, but it can also help prevent rust and paint damage by removing harmful contaminants.However, not all car washes are created equal. And some wash methods may even do more harm than good. To help you separate truth from fiction, we’ve compiled some popular car wash...