The Dos & Don’ts of Employee Performance Reviews
Posted: November 30, 2020
But I thought I was doing so well! I’ve been here for 30 years. You’re just telling me this now? Susan comes in late every day, and she’s never been written up. What gives? Let’s face it: If you’re a business owner or a manager, employee performance appraisals can be uncomfortable. No one likes to receive a “surprise” evaluation that they’re not performing well. What’s...
Is It Better To Buy A New Or Used Car?
Posted: November 24, 2020
New or Used: Which should you choose? If you think you might be among those shopping for a brand-new vehicle, consider a few pros and cons first: Pros and Cons of Buying a New Car Pros Cons Newer safety features. Customizable. Better warranty. Typically has better fuel efficiency and lower emissions. Typically more expensive to insure. Maintenance costs required to maintain the warranty. No record...